

Little does this Italian brand need introduction…founded by Giorgio Armani in 1975, its influence has become a force to be reckoned with. With diffusion lines galore, here is a fashion company with so much glamour to offer.

More than thirty years of design time has built this label up to iconic proportions. The eagle logo is now representative of one of the world’s most highly-respected brands, loved by Victoria Beckham, Rihanna, Adele and Beyonce.

Premium clothing, jewellery, accessories and aftershave are all providing luxury-lovers the world over with plenty to get excited about. The polo shirt and jeans are now as famous as the couture red carpet looks created by the fashion icon.

In the nineteen-eighties, Armani transformed the office wear of a generation of women when he introduced deconstructed trouser suits in place of floral skirts. Find jeans, polo shirts, and plenty more to fawn over in our periodic sales of Italian clothing and more. At BrandAlley, you’ll never pay full price for Armani again.

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